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Free phones

Free Phones! Here’s How to Get Yours

Cell phones have become a necessity to life. Your work, your family, your friends, and pretty much every responsibility you can think of requires...
Can't afford rent

Can’t Afford Rent This Month? Try This

Life happens. Unexpected expenses will hit you like wave, leaving you all alone to deal with your money woes. What happens if you can't...
Pay for your college tuition

These Employers Will Pay For Your College Tuition

Ready to go back to school? Your employer could be the key to helping you pay for your college tuition! Many companies offer tuition...
Get groceries for free

Get Groceries For FREE By Doing This

Groceries are one of the most significant expenses in a person’s life. Wouldn’t it be amazing to just get groceries for free? One grocery trip...
Cheap Housing

Ultimate Guide To Finding Cheap Housing

School costs so much money on its own. But despite the hefty price tag, it also opens up opportunities for making more money in...
Make quick cash

Make Quick Cash By Reselling Locally

How can you make quick cash? Lots of people take on side jobs to cushion their income. But there's a way to make that...
Best cards

Bad Credit? Here Are The Best Cards For You

Bad credit can stop you from doing a lot of good things. It can seem like an uphill battle trying to get that credit...
Get a grant

Get A Grant To Get You Going

Paying for school is a lot to worry about. It’s nearly impossible to get through it without being able to get a grant or...
Toward your degree

You Can Qualify For $6,895 Toward Your Degree!

83.8% of U.S students today apply for and use some form of federal financial aid. If you’re looking for some extra financial help, you...
Turn studying into a game

These Apps Turn Studying Into A Game

Preparing for an exam takes a lot of work. Repetition helps your mind recall the curriculum when you're put to the test. The thing...

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